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Independent property condition comparison assessment

Prevents claims and deposit abuses

Guarantees the rights of tenants and landlords

Provides an impartial legal basis in the event of disputes

Clear liability assessment


HD photos



Enhanced readability

All about Check-Out?


A check-out survey records the condition of a property at the end of a tenancy and compares it to its condition at the time of the move-in.

It highlights any changes in the property and provides evidence on when a change in the condition happened to establish clear liabilities.


The inventory clerk reviews the property in detail and reports changes in the decorative, working and cleaning orders of the items listed in the original inventory or the previous check-in report.

With photos, descriptions and the original inventory report, the clerk brings his expertise to rightfully assess any wear and tear and damages.


This report is a critical asset to get your deposit back. It provides fairness and unbiased evidence of changes in the condition of the property.

It protects the tenant's deposit against excessive claims and helps landlords hold tenants accountable for any reported damages or major 


This inspection must be carried out as tenants are moving-out or after they have moved out.

It is advised for tenants to be present should any question arise or in the event the clerk points to some discrepancies that can be resolved with the tenants.

What's inspected

> Every room and storage in use

> Every piece of furniture and item present

> Their decorative condition

> Their working condition

> Their level of cleanliness

> All flooring surfaces

> Any relevant exterior space (front & back gardens, patios, etc.)

Inventory report screenshot

Relevant and actionable data

Your check-out will include updated textual descriptions to reflect changes in the condition of an item with clear photos to provide visual evidence, at the time of the assessment.

Thorough descriptions

We reviewdescribe and report on the condition of any decor, furniture and item present in every room of a given property: 

Click on the tabs below for details of what we check for each section

We inspect

Locks and handles

Frame integrity and loose hinges

Decor condition

For each item, we describe their material, the colours, any attached fittings, and the condition of the surface and cleanliness.


This is what it should look like:

Doors & Frames

Painted white wooden door with 2x brushed steel door lever handles, 1x brushed steel lock with reverse fitting, 3x brushed steel door hinges and fittted on a painted white wooden door frame. 

Stay up-to-date at all times

Large blue gradient box with rounded corners
Graphics of appliance white goods.png

We test every electric and gas appliance present in your property and report on their working order and point out any visible defects or faulty units.

A power check consists of switching the unit on and verifying the power light switches on.

We power check the following white goods:

Fridge, freezer, oven, hob, extractor hood, microwave, washing machine, tumble dryer and power showers

Appliance Power Check

White smoke alarms graphics.png

We help you stay compliant with fire and carbon monoxide safety regulations.

Our inventories report on the presence and working order of:

> Smoke alarms

> Carbon monoxide alarms

> Dual smoke and carbon monoxide alarms


We run power checks and report on any faulty or expiring units.

Fire Safety Check

A defect may hide a technical issue

While we do our best to provide detailed descriptions, we are not expert on fabrics, materials, antiques etc. nor qualified surveyor so you may require further professional help to investigate a reported issue.

Hihouse makes better reports

We take advantage of our experience and ability to listen to innovate and introduce unique features to our reports.

Colour highlights graphics


Enhanced readability

Unique colour highlights introduced



8 Coloured boxes.png

1 colour for the decorative order

1 colour for the cleaning condition

Each colour corresponds to a specific state

Colours can indicate if an item is in a brand new condition or endured wear and tear. Similarly, they inform on the cleanliness level of an item.

Save time and effort

What are the benefits of colour highlights?

Better reading experience

Spot issues quickly

Report defects quickly

Maintain high focus

Read reports faster

Professional recognition 

AIIC red and grey logo

Hihouse is a recognised member of the Association of Independent Inventory Clerks "AIIC" and complies with the standards set by the Association.

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